Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Simplicity And Landscapes

One of my aims this summer was to improve on two aspects of photography, my landscape shots, and my simple shots. As I've said earlier, the macro lens is easily my favourite, as it achieves so much detail. I think this is why I've found it more difficult to take simple shots, without so much intricate detail, as I've always preferred these type of shots. This can also be said about my landscape shots, as the depth of field is very deep, compared to a shallow one on the very close up macros.

This is one of my landscape shots from Mallorca, it was such beautiful scenery that I thought it would be the perfect time to practice. I also didn't have to edit this image, as the natural lighting was perfect, and the colours look really rich, so the main development happened through the composition.

There were also plenty of opportunities to practice more simplistic shots in Mallorca too, and above is one of my favourite. The main focus about this image is the colour, as they are bold, and contrasting (the blue and orange). Having contrasting colours in an image makes them more vivid, so I think this helps the photo come to life more.

I've had plenty of time over the summer to take more shots in these two styles, and it has been quite been different to my usual style of photography, though it has been enjoyable. Here are a few more of my simplistic shots, that are also featured on my Instagram. At the top of my blog, theres a grid of my latest Instagram photos, feel free to have a look. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The Macro Lens.

It's easily my favourite lens. Even though it may take a while to find that perfect spot of focus, when you do, it makes the effort worth it. I think what I love about it most is that you can get as close as you want to the subject. I've always been a fan of doing very close and detailed shots, for example flowers (shown below), but recently I've been experimented with a further away proximity. I know this doesn't achieve as much detail, but it really highlights the subject, due to the depth of field. The background is more blurred than with just your average 18-55mm lens, for example my first image, the bubble. This was difficult to get, as the bubble was being blown different ways by the wind, so fast reactions were needed to capture it. As you can see, most of the attention is on the bubble, and even though the girl was close behind, she is not in focus.

Here are some more of my photos taken on my macro lens. Hope you enjoy. :)